

Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Pratice

Criteria for quality control of all processes from transporting raw materials to finished products in order to increase reliability in product quality.
(Medicines should be safe from side effects and stable so that they can always have the same effect. Also, medicines are used for patients, so they should have certain efficacy.)

ISO 22716

International standard proposed in accordance with the Excellent Manufacturing Management Standards (GMP) of the cosmetics industry.
Organized and systematic product safety and quality management regulations to be observed in the entire process of manufacturing cosmetics, from the manufacturer’s structure, equipment, purchase, manufacturing process, packaging, and sales of raw materials.

Level 2​

A studio where cosmetics
contents are exposed​

Level 3​

A studio where cosmetics
contents are exposed​

Level 4​

Controls air circulation by ventilation systems.​



Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point

It provides total services from project design to construction and certification in related fields. Hygiene management system to prevent biological, chemical, and physical hazards from being incorporated or contaminated in the food at each stage from the production of raw ingredients to the consumption of the final consumer.

01. Basic Plan​

  • Production Plan : Product type, production amount, manufacturing process review, compartment and movement plan
  • Facility Plan : layout, internal conditions (temperature, humidity, illuminance, etc.), compartment finish (floor, wall, ceiling, waterproof, etc.), utility composition.
  • Building Plan : Design of layout, compartment, movement, and sanitary area

02. Zoning Plan​

After analyzing the basic conditions for food manufacturing, zoning is performed. Analysis of production items, production volume,   movement of people and goods, expected harm, etc.
Establishment of cleanliness (clean area, semi-clean area, general area) for each manufacturing process after analyzing basic conditions.
Zoning considering the operation of the work content and work environment.

03. Movement Plan​

The movement of objects and people is distinguished by functions and structures that can prevent cross-contamination and spread of pollution.
One way flow is ideal, and avoid moving in and out of other work areas.
Prevention of crossing paths in areas with different cleanliness.